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Middle East Bitumen


Bitumen And Asphalt Market In West Asia

Bitumen occurs naturally from under the earth's crust in the form of springs, lakes and surface mines in solid and liquid form. Bitumen has been used as a waterproofing material since ancient times and in the time of Sumerians, Assyrians and even many previous civilizations. Bitumen extracted from oil or special minerals is called pure bitumen, which is classified according to its formation.

What is bitumen?

Bitumen occurs naturally from under the earth's crust in the form of springs, lakes and surface mines in solid and liquid form
Bitumen occurs naturally from under the earth's crust in the form of springs, lakes and surface mines in solid and liquid form

Bitumen is a complex and very complicated material that has long been known by humans and has been used in the manufacture of construction and decorative items, artificial prostheses, ship waterproofing and even mummification. 

Each of the main constituents of bitumen affects the properties and performance of bitumen. The chemical and physical properties of bitumen in general should be evaluated as a result of the effect of these compounds according to their quantitative ratios that differ in different bitumens. Asphalt, for example, causes bitumen to harden, and Maltin provides its adhesion and ductility properties. Maltin affects the bituminous properties of bitumen.

What is bitumen?, Read More ...

Middle East Bitumen

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How was bitumen discovered?

Bitumen has been used as a waterproofing material since ancient times and in the time of Sumerians, Assyrians and even many previous civilizations
Bitumen has been used as a waterproofing material since ancient times and in the time of Sumerians, Assyrians and even many previous civilizations

Bitumen has been used as a waterproofing material since ancient times and in the time of Sumerians, Assyrians and even many previous civilizations, and it has been mostly used in building and insulating ships against water intrusion and sinking. Also in ancient Egypt and Greece, bitumen was used to embalm corpses, as well as sculptures and decorations, and even in wars to defend the enemy at the gates of cities. 

The Achaemenid dynasty used bitumen for sealing and waterproofing the palace with the grandeur of Persepolis. Remains of it can be seen in the historical complex of Persepolis. Ancient Susa artists used a mixture of bitumen and heated it to obtain a composition that was very similar to stone. They used this material to make various objects as well as to make sculptures and fossils.

How was bitumen discovered?, Read More ...

Types of bitumen

Bitumen extracted from oil or special minerals is called pure bitumen, which is classified according to its formation
Bitumen extracted from oil or special minerals is called pure bitumen, which is classified according to its formation

Bitumen extracted from oil or special minerals is called pure bitumen, which is classified according to its formation. Pure bitumen are also subjected to other industrial processes in order to find the desired properties for different purposes, and we classify different types of bitumen according to the quality of their material in the following order.

Tar bitumen
Types of bitumen Chemically, there are different classifications for bitumen, two of the most common of which are based on the natural or petroleum nature of bitumen and the most common case is based on the type of bitumen supply source, oil or coal or wood.

Types of bitumen, Read More ...


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