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Tanzanite stone buying and selling market in West Asia


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Tanzanite stone is one of the minerals that was first discovered in Tanzania and is still the only source of this stone in Tanzania. As you might have guessed from its name, tanzanite is only found in northern Tanzania at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. Tanzanite is a gemstone with a hardness of 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale and has a range of blue-violet color from light to dark, and blue-purple and pure blue. Tanzanite is multicolored, which means that it shows different colors depending on the viewing angle. A true tanzanite stone can be flawless or it can be heavily inclusion-bearing.

What is tanzanite stone?

Tanzanite stone is one of the minerals that was first discovered in Tanzania and is still the only source of this stone in Tanzania
Tanzanite stone is one of the minerals that was first discovered in Tanzania and is still the only source of this stone in Tanzania

Tanzanite stone is one of the minerals that was first discovered in Tanzania and is still the only source of this stone in Tanzania. Tanzanite is a group of zosite minerals with a chemical formula of calcium aluminum silicate, which has a hardness of 6.5 to 7. Tanzanite is one of the best-selling gemstones in the market. Given that it was only known in the 1960s, this is surprising since all the other best-selling colored stones have been known for centuries. It is its unique blue color that has become popular with most of the people and it will become more popular in the future.

Tanzanite has a blue to purple color spectrum, and it is somewhat similar to alexandrite stone, and similar to alexandrite, it shows different colors, which is due to the presence of vanadium in this stone. Azure and dark blue tanzanite is one of the most popular types of these stones. which looks more purple under artificial light. The dark blue color of tanzanite stone is similar to sapphire, which becomes a little darker after heating.

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Tanzanite stone buying and selling market in West Asia

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Where is tanzanite stone found?

As you might have guessed from its name, tanzanite is only found in northern Tanzania at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro
As you might have guessed from its name, tanzanite is only found in northern Tanzania at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro

As you might have guessed from its name, tanzanite is only found in northern Tanzania at the foot of Mount Kilimanjaro. This gemstone has a deep purple blue color that distinguishes it from sapphire. Even though its price is not very high compared to the most expensive and luxurious jewels in the world, but be sure that as its resources decrease in the next 20 to 25 years due to the excessive extraction that is taking place now, its price will skyrocket. .

In 1990, the Tanzanian government divided the tanzanite mines into four blocks: blocks A, B, C and D. Blocks A and C were awarded to large operators, while blocks B and D were reserved for local miners. In 2005, the government extended the Block C mining lease to TanzaniteOne, which had paid $40 million for its mining lease and license. According to the amount of mining, currently gemologists estimate that the stock of this gem will be exhausted soon. As a result, tanzanite is known as the gem of a generation; Because this generation is the last generation that can buy this gem before it runs out of stock.

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Purchase and identification of original tanzanite stone

Tanzanite is a gemstone with a hardness of 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale and has a range of blue-violet color from light to dark, and blue-purple and pure blue
Tanzanite is a gemstone with a hardness of 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale and has a range of blue-violet color from light to dark, and blue-purple and pure blue

Tanzanite is a gemstone with a hardness of 6 to 7 on the Mohs scale and has a range of blue-violet color from light to dark, and blue-purple and pure blue. To improve it, the heating method is used, in the field of this gem, stones with deep and bold color are the most valuable; But this color can only be seen in stones weighing more than five carats. The weight of the stone is an important point in the cutting process.

Before purchasing a tanzanite gem, it is important to remember that tanzanite measures between 6 and 7 on the Mohs scale and is therefore not a particularly hard stone. As such, tanzanite can be more prone to scratching and damage, and as a result may not be the most suitable stone for everyday ring wear. If you decide to buy tanzanite, use a 10x loupe to check for cut, clarity, and any chips or cracks. It is also recommended to compare a number of stones to measure color and color saturation. By following these short steps, you can better ensure that you end up with a good quality tanzanite specimen.

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Different colors and types of tanzanite stone

Tanzanite is multicolored, which means that it shows different colors depending on the viewing angle
Tanzanite is multicolored, which means that it shows different colors depending on the viewing angle

Tanzanite is multicolored, which means that it shows different colors depending on the viewing angle. In order to get the best blue or violet blue color, the gem cutter must cut the right angle. The dark blue of tanzanite can resemble sapphire, which is why this stone is so popular. The extraordinary color of tanzanite becomes more colorful after heating and its brown tone disappears.

Royal Blue Stones in 1970 with low capacities soon attracted the attention of American and European advertisements. When the new gemstone word came out, Henry Platt of the Tiffany Company named the new gemstone tanzanite, and Tiffany began a marketing campaign to introduce it to the public. Currently, tanzanite is the pride of the African country of Tanzania. Of course, after word of this precious stone got out, a deadly attack quickly put an end to the mineral's exploitation. A fake car accident in which D'Souza was killed interrupted the pursuit and extraction of any reserves. As a result, during these two years, the reserves were not able to maintain the demand.

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Tanzanite stone price in West Asia

Import and export of tanzanite stone in West Asia and the Middle East. Ask Your Marketing Questions About West Asian Tanzanite

Value and pricing of tanzanite stone

A true tanzanite stone can be flawless or it can be heavily inclusion-bearing
A true tanzanite stone can be flawless or it can be heavily inclusion-bearing

A true tanzanite stone can be flawless or it can be heavily inclusion-bearing. Its quality, value, and price are deeply influenced by its degree of clarity. Therefore, it is important to understand the different terms used in the industry and what you might find in tanzanite. See image of enhanced tanzanite inclusions. In general, the larger the tanzanite crystal in the same quality, the rarer it is. This is because the larger crystals took longer to grow, and given that tanzanite can take over 500 million years to form. Carat weight becomes important in quality pieces. An exceptional 3-carat investment-grade color with high clarity is always much rarer and more valuable than a 10-carat B-grade color with inclusions.

Tanzanite is very sensitive to thermal shock and also very fragile, so you must be very careful in its maintenance. If your gem needs to be washed, you can wash it with soap and water (neither cold nor warm - the same temperature as the environment). and then dry it.

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