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They make up a large part of the air we breathe


Some minerals, such as copper and zinc, are made entirely of the same element, but granite is an example of igneous rock composed of several different elements

Natural chemical compounds can be solid, liquid, or gaseous
Natural chemical compounds can be solid, liquid, or gaseous

Natural Chemical compounds can be solid, liquid, or gaseous. Solids, liquids, or natural gases may be composed of individual elements or contain many elements in the form of molecules. 

Gases: Oxygen and Nitrogen are natural gases. They make up a large part of the air we breathe. Hydrogen is the most commonly natural gas in the world. 

Liquids: Perhaps the most important liquid in the world is water. Water, which is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, behaves differently from many other liquids, such as expanding when it freezes. This natural chemical behavior has a profound effect on the geology, geography, and biology of the earth and certainly other planets. 

Solids: Every solid substance found in the natural world is made up of these substances. Plant fibers, animal bones, rocks, and soil are all composed of Chemicals compounds. Some minerals, such as Copper and zinc, are made entirely of the same element, but Granite is an example of igneous Rock composed of several different elements.

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