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Marble is a metamorphic rock of limestone by subjected to the heat and pres


Usually is the result of polyphase deformation events and metamorphism that occurred over a long time in varying conditions of pressure, temperature, types of deformation, chemistry of nearby rocks, etc

Marble is a metamorphic rock of limestone by subjected to the heat and pressure

Marbles are Rocks with simple mineralogical composition, but despite this, investigations on weathering phenomena of Marble artifacts show very distinct behaviour for different marble types. 

This is largely due to the extremely anisotropic physical properties of calcite crystals and therefore of the Rock fabric, i.e. the microstructure (grain size, grain aspect ratio, grain-shape preferred orientation) and the texture (crystallographic preferred orientation) of the rock. 

A rock fabric is the result of all the processes that the rock experiences throughout its geological history. Usually is the result of polyphase deformation events and metamorphism that occurred over a long time in varying conditions of pressure, temperature, types of deformation, chemistry of nearby rocks, etc. 

Many samples of marble rocks shows a strong directional dependence of thermal strain, this occur notably in rocks with a strong crystallographic preferred orientation, i.e. in rocks where syntectonic recrystallization led to development of a strong texture in rock. Marble is a metamorphic rock of limestone by subjected to the heat and pressure. 

This Stone with a very beautiful and pleasant appearance has many applications in making all kinds of stone artifacts as well as many functions as a building stone.

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