5%) is made up of eight elements (oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium), and these are the elements that make up the largest amount of minerals

A mineral ore refers to a naturally occurring Rock or sediment that contains valuable Minerals or elements that can be extracted and processed for various purposes. Ores are typically formed through geological processes over millions of years. They are characterized by their economic value and the concentration of valuable minerals or Metals they contain. Mineral ores are essential sources of raw materials for various industries. They serve as the primary sources for extracting metals, such as iron, copper, gold, silver, aluminum, and many others. Ores can also contain non-metallic minerals, such as phosphate, limestone, gypsum, and coal, which are used in industries like agriculture, construction, and energy production.
Scientists have identified over 4000 minerals of the earth's crust, although much of the earth's crust has formed the few of them. Nearly, all Foods have salt and salt is nothing but a mineral called halite or sodium chloride. We wear minerals, live with minerals and on minerals, and admire the beauty of minerals. Minerals are "crystalline" solids. It is a solid crystal whose atoms are arranged in a regular repeating pattern. Sodium ions combine with chloride ions to form salt (halite). All salt grains in a salt spray have this crystal structure. Minerals have a structure that is not characteristic of living masses. Coal is made from the remains of plants and animals. Is coal a mineral? Coal is classified as a sedimentary rock but is not a mineral.
Minerals are made by natural processes that occur in the ground or on the ground. Diamonds made deep in the earth's crust are minerals, but diamonds made by humans in the laboratory are not. Be careful when buying laboratory-made diamonds as jewelry. Because it may be beautiful, but it is not a Diamond and it is not technically a mineral.
Almost all of the Earth's crust (98.5%) is made up of eight elements (oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, calcium, sodium, potassium, and magnesium), and these are the elements that make up the largest amount of minerals. All minerals have their own Chemical composition. Silver ores are made up of only silver atoms, and diamonds are made up of only carbon atoms, but most minerals are made up of chemical compounds. Each mineral has its own chemical formula.
NaCl (also known as halite) is NaCl (sodium chloride). Quartz is made up of two Oxygen atoms bonded to a silicon atom, represented by the chemical formula SiO2. In nature, things are seldom as simple inside the laboratory, so it should come as no surprise that some minerals contain a wide range of chemical compounds. An important example in earth science is olivine, which contains silicon and oxygen, as well as some iron and magnesium (Mg, Fe) 2SiO4.
The extraction of valuable minerals from an ore involves various processes, including mining, crushing, grinding, and refining. These processes aim to separate the desired minerals from the surrounding rock or waste material. Once extracted and processed, the minerals from the ore can be further transformed into usable products, such as metals, fertilizers, building materials, and more. The identification and evaluation of mineral ores are important tasks in the field of geology and mining. Geologists and mining experts study the geological characteristics of an area to locate and assess potential ore deposits. Factors such as mineral composition, concentration, accessibility, and economic viability are considered when determining the value and feasibility of mining an ore deposit.