Anbar Asia

Which countries are the biggest producing and consuming diamonds in the world?


At present, with the recession in the market, it can be said that Iran is the twelfth in the world, while until a few years ago, it was in sixth place in the world

The United States is the largest consumer market for diamonds, representing a significant portion of global diamond demand

The United States is the largest consumer market for diamonds, representing a significant portion of global Diamond demand. The country has a robust diamond retail sector, with major cities like New York and Los Angeles hosting numerous high-end Jewelry stores. The United States also has diamond cutting and polishing facilities, but its diamond supply primarily relies on imports. India is a major player in both the diamond supply and demand markets. It is the world's largest diamond cutting and polishing center, with cities like Surat and Mumbai being major hubs for diamond trade. India's domestic demand for diamonds is also substantial, with a growing middle class and a strong cultural affinity for diamond jewelry.

The United Arab Emirates, specifically Dubai, has become a prominent diamond trading and consumer hub. Dubai is known for its diamond trading centers, such as the Dubai Diamond Exchange, and its luxurious jewelry retail sector. The country's strategic location, business-friendly environment, and well-developed infrastructure have contributed to its growing importance in the diamond market.

The largest diamond producing countries are the Netherlands, Russia, America, India, and Belgium. Among these countries, the best cuts belong to Belgium and Russia, which have many fans around the world. The main offices of all diamond or diamond shareholders are in Belgium, which has the most buyers from all over the world. Later, in New York and London stock exchange, there were many transactions. Diamonds of the Belgian stock exchange found out a way around the world. Part of the product through direct purchases and much of it from the Belgian branch offices are exported around the world.

But it is not the European countries, but on the product, they bought the business and the high volume of business. Apart from America, countries in the oil-rich capital of the Arabic countries, most consumers are in the form of jewelry as brilliant. India and Thailand are also pioneers in diamond consumption. Most of the diamonds consumed in these countries are small and small. In Asia, except for India, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, and Lebanon in the future, with consumption.

Iran's share of the diamond trade is very low. It can be said that buying diamonds over one carat in total is zero and the maximum buy of the diamonds has been done very finely. According to these conditions, Iran is in sixth or seventh place among Asian countries in terms of consumption. At present, with the recession in the market, it can be said that Iran is the twelfth in the world, while until a few years ago, it was in sixth place in the world.

China has emerged as a significant diamond market in recent years. The country's rising middle class and increasing disposable income have fueled the demand for luxury goods, including diamonds. Major cities like Shanghai and Beijing have thriving diamond retail sectors. China also has its own diamond cutting and polishing industry, although it still relies on imports to meet its demand. Belgium, particularly the city of Antwerp, is known as the diamond trading capital of the world. It plays a crucial role in diamond supply and demand through its diamond exchanges and trading houses. Antwerp is a major diamond cutting and polishing center, and it serves as a key link in the global diamond supply chain.

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