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Traditional Herbal distillates of the Middle East


Throughout history, various traditional medicine systems such as traditional Middle Eastern medicine, traditional Indian medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Greek medicine have been sufficiently developed and the use of herbal extracts has been common in these systems

 In Middle Eastern countries, traditional medicine and herbal treatments are among the oldest and most important treatment methods

In Middle Eastern countries, traditional medicine and herbal treatments are among the oldest and most important treatment methods. In some religions, such as traditional Iranian medicine (Iranian medicine), traditional Arabic medicine and traditional Indian medicine, herbal extracts are considered as one of the main therapeutic tools. These classifications have arisen due to the therapeutic effects and properties of plants in these cultures and religions. In some religious ceremonies and rituals in the Middle east countries, it is common to use herbal spirits. In religious ceremonies such as prayer, worship, wedding ceremony, circumcision ceremony and other important events, the use of herbal extracts may be used to give a pleasant smell, purification and relaxation. Perfumery in the Middle East has a long and valuable history, and the use of herbal extracts in the preparation of perfumes and fragrances is very common. Some religions and cultures of the Middle East, such as Islam and Christian religions, consider the good smell and natural fragrance to be holy and desirable and give importance to it.

The production of Herbal distillates in the Middle East countries is a traditional and old process that is obtained by distilling the decoction of natural plants. The Herbal distillates produced in these countries are used as herbal medicines, perfumes and traditional medicine products. Herbal distillates production in Iran is famous as an old and traditional industry. Spirits such as rose water, anise spirit, thyme spirit, mint spirit and ginger spirit are among the oldest spirits produced in Iran. These Spices are used in traditional medicine and local cooking of Iran. Herbal distillates production in Turkey also has a long history. Spirits such as rosemary spirit, rose flower spirit and thyme spirit are produced in Turkey. These oils are used as additives in foods, cosmetic products and herbal medicines. In Saudi Arabia, Herbal distillates production is also a common process. Spirits such as saffron spirit, kakuti spirit and chamomile spirit are produced in this country. These spirits are used as traditional remedies and in the local cuisine of Saudi Arabia. Herbal distillates production in Lebanon also has old roots. Spirits such as ginger spirit, rosemary spirit and chamomile spirit are produced in Lebanon. These Herbal distillates are used as traditional medicine products and cosmetic products. Common types of spirits in West asian countries are:

  1. Anise spirit is prepared from the anise plant by distilling the decoction of anise seeds. This Herbal distillate is used in traditional Middle Eastern medicine as an anti-cough, anti-bronchitis and soothing digestive problems.
  2. Thyme extract is prepared from the thyme plant. This Herbal distillate is used in traditional medicine as an antiseptic, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory, and it is used as an antiseptic solution for oral solutions, face masks, and skin solutions.
  3. Mint juice is made from the mint plant. This Herbal distillate is used in traditional medicine as an anti-nausea, anti-cough, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic. It is also used as mouthwash and skin mask.
  4. Kakuti Herbal distillates is prepared from Kakuti plant. This Herbal distillate is used in traditional medicine of the Middle East as an antitussive, antipyretic and reliever of gastrointestinal problems.
  5. Ginger extract is prepared from the root of the ginger plant. This Herbal distillates is used in traditional medicine as an anti-inflammatory, anti-cough, anti-cold and booster of the body's immune system.

With the advancement of pharmaceutical science and research, the therapeutic effects and properties of plants are improved and better understood. Scientific research can help us identify plants with stronger healing properties or develop better methods for extracting and using plant extracts. Many drugs and pharmaceutical products that are used today have active plant ingredients as their main components. With advanced technologies, it is possible to extract plant active ingredients in a purer and better quality and use them in the production of medicines. One of the advantages of using herbal extracts compared to Chemical drugs is the reduction of secondary compounds. In many cases, herbal extracts are prepared through natural processes and are less likely to have side effects. In certain cultures, the use of herbal extracts is considered as a conventional and acceptable treatment method. This use continues to thrive as part of religious traditions and cultures and is accompanied by the advancement of science.

Ancient civilizations such as ancient Egypt , Sumerians, Babylonians and Greeks have benefited from the oldest historical references for using herbal extracts. Ancient works show that these civilizations used perfumes such as thyme perfume, saffron perfume and chamomile perfume. Throughout history, various traditional medicine systems such as traditional Middle Eastern medicine, traditional Indian medicine, traditional Chinese medicine and traditional Greek medicine have been sufficiently developed and the use of herbal extracts has been common in these systems. People's experience and therapeutic observations have helped to gain knowledge about the healing properties of plants and the distillation of their decoctions. Ayurveda, or the traditional Indian medicine system, which has a history of more than 5,000 years, considers the use of herbal extracts as a valid treatment. Ayurveda emphasizes that each plant has unique healing properties and by distilling their decoctions, it is possible to prepare spirits with beneficial properties. Throughout history, the development of pharmaceutical science and a better understanding of the chemical composition of plants has contributed to the production of herbal extracts in the modern era. Today, herbal extracts are used as natural and non-essential products by pharmaceutical companies and cosmetic companies.

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