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The role of white meat of birds in the diet of Asian Arabs and Muslims


However, it should be noted that opinions and food consumption habits may differ between people and different regions, and individual and cultural perspectives play an important role in choosing foods

White meat of birds in the diet of Middle Eastern people, especially Arab and Muslim people, may have a place in some countries and cultures

White Meat of birds in the diet of Middle Eastern people, especially Arab and Muslim people, may have a place in some countries and cultures. However, it should be noted that opinions and Food consumption habits may differ between people and different regions, and individual and cultural perspectives play an important role in choosing foods. It should be noted that this answer is general and may be different in some regions and cultures.

In Islam, some birds are considered forbidden for food consumption. These prohibitions are determined based on Sharia rules in Islam. In the Holy Qur'an and the traditions of the Prophet of Islam (peace be upon him), some birds are defined as haram (not permitted) for food consumption. In some countries and cultures, the consumption of white meat from birds such as chicken, quail and Turkey is common in the diet. This type of meat is used as a source of animal protein and may be used in various dishes such as kebabs, stews, sandwiches, etc.

People in the Middle east usually have a varied diet and use a variety of Foods , including meat, fruits, vegetables, grains, and Dairy products . In some countries, such as Saudi Arabia, the use of halal meat (in accordance with Islamic standards) in food is considered. However, it should be noted that in some cultures and regions, the consumption of bird meat may be restricted or prohibited due to religion and religious beliefs. Also, due to health issues and legal restrictions, there may be units in some countries that prohibit the sale and consumption of poultry meat.

In Islam, the correct method of slaughtering birds to obtain halal (allowed) meat is known as "halal slaughter" or "Islamic slaughter". Before the start of the slaughtering process, the slaughterers must intend that they are performing the slaughtering process for the sake of God's pleasure and obtaining halal meat. , be a stream These methods are determined to obtain halal meat in Islam. In some regions and cultures, there may be laws and regulations that dictate more specific details and methods for slaughtering and consuming halal meat. 

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