Anbar Asia

Rice is usually produced in countries like Iran, Iraq and Turkey


These methods include using smart irrigation systems, measuring and controlling water consumption, using methods to optimize water management, and using new technologies such as sensors and Internet of Things networks to improve water efficiency

Farmers in the Middle East and West Asia widely grow different types of grains and legumes

Farmers in the Middle east and West asia widely grow different types of grains and legumes . This region is suitable for the production of grains and legumes due to the weather conditions and suitable soil. Wheat is considered as one of the most important grains in this region. Farmers in the Middle East and West Asia, including Iran, Iraq, Turkey , and Syria, grow wheat extensively.

Barley is also produced as one of the important grains in this region. This product is cultivated in countries such as Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Lebanon . Rice is one of the types of legumes that is cultivated in some countries of the Middle East and West Asia. Rice is usually produced in countries like Iran, Iraq and Turkey. Lentils are also cultivated as one of the important legumes in this region. Iran, Turkey and Iraq are among the countries that produce lentils. Chickpea is another important legume cultivated in the Middle East and West Asia. This product is produced in countries like Iran, Turkey and Syria .

Accurate water management includes accurate planning for water use and controlling the amount of water consumption. These methods include using smart irrigation systems, measuring and controlling water consumption, using methods to optimize water management, and using new technologies such as sensors and Internet of Things networks to improve water efficiency.

Mechanized irrigation includes the use of mechanized irrigation systems such as sprinkler and sprinkler systems. These systems effectively spread water on agricultural land and prevent water evaporation. In subsurface irrigation, water is injected directly and deep below the soil surface to the roots of plants. This method reduces evaporation and significantly reduces water consumption.

Intercropping or rotation of Crops means the alternating change of agricultural products in the land. This method improves soil structure and reduces the risk of diseases and pests. Also, it reduces the need for water throughout the year by alternating crops. To deal with the lack of water, farmers use drought-resistant cultivars. These varieties have the ability to adapt and survive in low water conditions.

Due to the lack of water in the Middle East region, farmers use different methods and techniques to cultivate legumes and grains to optimize water consumption and increase water productivity in the cultivation process. Drip irrigation is an effective method for cultivation in low water areas. In this method, water is directly and precisely injected into the roots of the plants. This method reduces transpiration and evaporation from the leaves and significantly reduces water consumption.

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