West Asian And The Middle East Commodity Market

Anbar Asia

Per capita consumption of grains and legumes in West Asia - Every country in the Middle East has its own culture and diet

In addition, other factors can play an important role in changing per capita consumption, such as demographic changes, the growth rate of settlements, changes in food patterns, changes in the industrialization and commercialization process of countries, as well as the effects of crises and wars in the region

Per capita consumption of grains and legumes in West Asia may vary depending on the country and other factors

Per capita consumption of grains and legumes in West asia may vary depending on the country and other factors. It should be noted that these figures may change over time and vary depending on new conditions and various factors. Every country in the Middle east has its own culture and diet. Some countries may focus more on consumption of cereals such as wheat and barley, while others have a higher consumption of legumes such as lentils and chickpeas. This cultural and dietary diversity has a significant effect on the per capita consumption of grains and legumes.

The per capita consumption of grains and legumes may also vary in other West asian countries depending on economic, cultural factors and the reduction in access to Food sources. In this region, the consumption of Cereals and legumes is an essential part of the general diet and is very important to meet the nutritional needs of the people. Below are some examples of the per capita consumption of some West Asian countries in 2021:

  • Iran : The per capita consumption of grains and legumes in Iran in 2021 was approximately 145 kg per person per year. This amount includes consumption of wheat, barley, rice, lentils, peas and other legumes.
  • Iraq : The per capita consumption of grains and legumes in Iraq was around 150 kg per person per year.
  • Turkey : The per capita consumption of grains and legumes in Turkey in 2021 was about 180 kg per person per year.
  • Syria : Due to the conditions of civil war and humanitarian crisis, accurate data for the per capita consumption of grains and legumes in Syria is not available. But before the crisis, the per capita consumption of grains and legumes in Syria was also high.

The economic conditions of each country can also affect the per capita consumption of grains and legumes. In some countries, the consumption of cereals and legumes is more affordable and the main source of food, while in other countries, the consumption of cereals and legumes may decrease due to unfavorable economic conditions. The food supply power of each country can also be influential. Some countries can have a high consumption of these products due to the strong domestic production of grains and legumes. On the other hand, countries that depend heavily on imports of grains and legumes may have lower per capita consumption due to limited resources and poor economics.

The amount of local production of grains and legumes in each country can also be influential. Countries with high domestic production capacity in the field of grains and legumes can consume more of these products, while import-dependent countries may have limited supply of these products and have lower per capita consumption. Therefore, factors such as cultural diversity, economic conditions, food supply and the amount of local production can cause the per capita consumption of grains and legumes to vary in the Middle East. These changes stem from cultural, economic, and local production differences in each country. Each country in the Middle East has a specific organization to meet its food needs, and because of this, the per capita consumption of grains and legumes varies in each country.

In addition, other factors can play an important role in changing per capita consumption, such as demographic changes, the growth rate of settlements, changes in food patterns, changes in the industrialization and commercialization process of countries, as well as the effects of crises and wars in the region. Therefore, per capita consumption of grains and legumes in the Middle East varies and is influenced by cultural, economic, supply and political factors. Each country has its own characteristics and conditions that make the consumption of these products variable in this region.

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