Anbar Asia

These types of stones are pea-colored


Typically they are related to specific sedimentary environments, but because the composition of the rocks is controlled by the source of the rocks, they are not limited to a specific sedimentation basin

Four most common types of sandstone are quartz, arnite, arcose, light arnite, and gray rock.

Typically they are related to specific sedimentary environments, but because the composition of the Rocks is controlled by the source of the rocks, they are not limited to a specific sedimentation basin. These rocks more or less reflect the geology of the source area, which depends on weathering, elevation, and elevation.

Calcareous Sandstone
These types of sandstones are not resistant to acidic environments. These conditions deplete the calcium carbonate in them and the Stone crumbles. Pure calcite is white so calcareous Sandstone is also white

Siliceous Sandstone
Sandstones are often composed of silica grains that are bonded together with silica salts. Therefore, they are very resistant and stable in acidic environments. These types of sandstones are mostly gray.

Iron Oxide Sandstone
This type of sandstone, compacted by iron oxides, is found in brown to red colors and is often durable.

Dolomite Sandstone
Dolomite sandstones bonded with magnesium carbonate and calcium are not very resistant in urban environments. These types of Stones are pea-colored.


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