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The king signs and approves all laws


 Jordan is bordered to the north by Syria, to the northeast by Iraq, to ​​the east and south by Saudi Arabia, and to the west by Israel and the West Bank, where the total Jordanian border with these countries is 1,619 km

Jordan is a constitutional monarchy and parliament also plays an important role in the country

In this country, King Abdullah II succeeded him after the death of his father in February 1999. Abdullah was quick to reaffirm the Jordan-Israel reconciliation agreement with Israel and strengthen Jordan's ties with the United States. In the first year of his rule, Abdullah put economic reform on his agenda. The continuing structural problems of the Jordanian economy, the growing population, and the opening up of the political space has led to the formation of various political parties in the country. While King Abdullah still has absolute power in Jordan, the parliament also plays an important role in the country.

Jordan is a country in West Asia, located east of the Jordan River, and its capital is the city of Amman‎‎. The country has a population of about 10 million and 98% of its population is Arab. Jordan is bordered to the north by Syria, to the northeast by Iraq, to ​​the east and south by Saudi Arabia, and to the west by Israel and the West Bank, where the total Jordanian border with these countries is 1,619 km. The country is tangent to the Gulf of Aqaba ‎ from the south and therefore has a water border of about 26 km, and this is the lowest water border among the Arab countries. 

As a large part of Jordan is desert, its climate is also dry and desert. Meanwhile, the western parts of the country see relative rainfall throughout the year (from November to April). In this country, King Abdullah II succeeded him after the death of his father in February 1999. Abdullah was quick to reaffirm the Jordan-Israel reconciliation agreement with Israel and strengthen Jordan's ties with the United States. In the first year of his rule, Abdullah put economic reform on his agenda. 

The continuing structural problems of the Jordanian economy, the growing population, and the opening up of the political space has led to the formation of various political parties in the country. While King Abdullah still has absolute power in Jordan, parliament also plays an important role in the country. Jordan is a constitutional monarchy whose constitution was adopted on January 8, 1952. The executive branch is in the hands of the King of Jordan and his cabinet. The king signs and approves all laws. Two-thirds of both houses of the Jordanian National Assembly can overturn the king's veto. 

The king can appoint and remove all judges by issuing a decree, approving a constitutional amendment, declaring war, and ordering the armed forces. Cabinet decisions, court rulings, and the national currency are issued in his name. The cabinet is chaired by the prime minister, who can also dismiss any member of the cabinet at the request of the prime minister. The cabinet must be accountable to the Jordanian House of Representatives on matters of general policy, and this authority can force the cabinet to resign by a "no confidence" vote of two-thirds of its members.

The constitution provides for three categories of courts: civil, religious, and special. Jordan is administratively divided into twelve governorate constituencies, each governed by a governor appointed by the king. They have exclusive power in all government departments and development plans in the areas under their control. The Royal Armed Forces and the Jordanian General Directorate of Intelligence are under the control of the King.

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