Production in the market: Synthetic spinels with dark red color due to the cost and complexity of the production process are made in small numbers and limited compared to other colors and usually these samples in the market of artificial corundum (ruby) and they are laboratory
A careful visual examination can reveal certain characteristics that may indicate an artificial spinel. Look for any unusual coloring, such as overly saturated or evenly distributed coloration, which can be a sign of artificial treatment. Using a jeweler's loupe or a gemological microscope, closely examine the Gemstone for any signs of synthetic growth patterns, noticeable inclusions, or irregularities that are not typically found in natural spinel. Determining the refractive index of the gemstone can help differentiate between natural and synthetic spinel. Natural Spinel typically has an RI range of 1.712 to 1.736, while synthetic spinel may have a slightly higher RI.
Gemological laboratories can perform advanced testing techniques, including advanced spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, or Chemical analysis, to conclusively identify synthetic spinel. Some advanced synthetic spinel may closely resemble natural spinel and require sophisticated testing methods to detect. If you suspect that a spinel gemstone may be artificial, it's best to consult a professional gemologist or bring the gemstone to a reputable gemological laboratory for a comprehensive analysis.
- Fluorescence: Natural pearls show strong fluorescence under high-wavelength ultraviolet light, and weak under short-wavelength UV. Fluorescence image of artificial spinel Rock under short-wave UV light. However, its synthetic varieties show strong fluorescence during short wavelengths of UV rays and often show light blue, gypsum green or red.
- Microscope: Under the microscope in samples of artificial spinel, traces of flux melting or bubbles in the form of patterns and curves are usually seen due to the way they are made and grown. This is while in natural samples there are many or at least some inclusions.
- Magnets: Natural spinels contain some element of iron and therefore react poorly to the magnet. However, in the synthetic and synthetic spinel samples, there is no reaction due to the way they are made.
- Production in the market: Synthetic spinels with dark red color due to the cost and complexity of the production process are made in small numbers and limited compared to other colors and usually these samples in the market of artificial corundum (ruby) and they are laboratory.
- Light refractive index and specific gravity: Natural spinel has a refractive index of 1.72 to 1.74 for the red spinel and 1.805 when the Zinc element is high. The synthetic spinners, on the other hand, have an RI of 1.727 with an error of one thousandth. Also, the specific gravity of the natural type is in the range of 3.58-3.61 and the zinc element in it can increase its specific gravity up to 4.40. This is while synthetic spinels have a specific gravity between 3.64 - 3.63.
- Price: Synthetic spinel rough can be from 300 to 800 dollars per kilogram depending on the quality of the manufacturer. Synthetic spinel gem may be as much as one or two dollars per carat! Price is therefore an important factor in the detection of synthetic spinels. Synthetic samples are very glassy. You should note that the best way to identify the original spinel is to purchase it with a valid gem certificate.
Techniques such as UV-Visible spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy can provide valuable information about the gemstone's absorption and transmission properties. These tests can help identify any artificial treatments or characteristics that differ from those of natural spinel. Natural spinel usually exhibits weak to no fluorescence under UV light. However, some synthetic spinel may display strong fluorescence, especially if they have been treated. Comparing the gemstone's fluorescence to known natural spinel samples can aid in detection. Synthetic spinel often exhibits growth features, such as curved or elongated gas bubbles, curved growth lines, color zoning, or metallic flux inclusions. These characteristics can be observed using specialized gemological equipment.