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Nitrogen-14 is produced by nuclear fusion in stars


Nitrogen in the earth moves continuously in a cycle involving the atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere, resulting from the activity of bacteria, the metabolic processes of living organisms, and the decomposition of buried organic materials

Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere in terms of volume and is obtained for industrial purposes by distilling liquid air

Nitrogen is an element with the symbol N and atomic number of 7 in the periodic table of elements and is one of the main components of the Earth's atmosphere and a vital element among all organisms.

At normal temperature and pressure, Nitrogen is a free, colorless, odorless, tasteless gas. As an inert gas, it reduces the amount of Oxygen available to oxidize natural materials, thus preventing spontaneous combustion of materials and corrosion of metals. It also protects living organisms from inhaling pure oxygen. Nitrogen in the earth moves continuously in a cycle involving the atmosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere, resulting from the activity of bacteria, the metabolic processes of living organisms, and the decomposition of buried organic materials.

In the body of living organisms, nitrogen atoms are part of the molecular structure of important substances such as amino acids, proteins, and nucleic acids. In industry, nitrogen gas is used as an alternative to air in Food packaging, Steel production and electronics. Liquid nitrogen is a "cryogen" used in food freezing and transportation. In addition, Ammonia is a nitrogen compound used in Chemical fertilizers, synthesis of nitric acid and other valuable compounds. Nitric acid is an oxidizing agent in liquid fuel rockets. It is also used as a gunpowder and a raw material for TNT bombs. It should be noted that nitrogen is also used in the manufacture of drugs.

Nitrogen is the most abundant element in the Earth's atmosphere in terms of volume (78%), and is obtained for industrial purposes by distillation of liquid air. Compounds containing this element have also been observed in outer space. Nitrogen-14 is produced by nuclear fusion in stars. Nitrogen is a major component of animal waste (such as manure or fertilizer) and is commonly found in the form of urea, uric acid, and compounds from nitrogen products.

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