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905327911445Satilik sehir oteli
Izmir sehir merkezinde tadilati yeni yapilan 21 odali satilik bir sehir otelimiz var detaylar icin mesaj atin
Shops And StoresThis proposal was registered 13 months ago, in Turkish language and from the country of Turkey.
Turkeyfikri1 months ago
ProfileMeteorite, Ceramic Tile, Apartment, Garden, Shops And Stores, Villa
TurkeyAkca Yapi ltd sti11 months ago
ProfileDiamond, Emerald, Meteorite, Apartment, Industrial Buildings, Garden, Farm, Villa, Village House
TurkeyKemal ERGİN13 months ago
ProfileEngine Oil, Petroleum Coke, Shops And Stores, Jam And Honey, Canned Foods, Drinks