This includes researching and understanding target markets, competing with competitors, appropriate advertising and marketing, adapting to the habits and tastes of local customers, and determining the right price for your products

International trade and marketing of Tea and coffee comes with certain challenges and problems. The international tea and coffee market is very competitive. The presence of a large number of manufacturers and exporters globally, along with the importation of competing products, increases competition in the industry. Therefore, companies must strive to attract customers and differentiate themselves from competitors. International trade is associated with complex legal and commercial issues. Issues such as import and export regulations and restrictions, different trade practices and tax laws in countries, the amount of customs tariffs and other trade restrictions can affect the tea and coffee trade.
As consumer products, tea and coffee must comply with health regulations and quality standards. Each country may have its own regulations and standards for Food and beverage products that manufacturers and exporters must adhere to. Also, the variety of tastes and different consumption habits in countries requires the adjustment of the appropriate marketing strategy in each region. The price of tea and coffee is affected by many factors, including weather conditions, changes in raw material prices and exchange rates. These changes can affect the profitability and competitiveness of companies and require proper pricing and transaction risk management.
In international business, the local culture and customs of each country are very important. Companies must be familiar with the culture and tastes of consumers in each market and take appropriate marketing strategies to be able to successfully market their products in foreign markets. Lack of familiarity with the local culture and the role of customs in business can cause companies' products not to be accepted by local consumers. Tea and coffee are sensitive to natural resources such as water and soil for growth and production. Climate changes, water crises and resource limitations can lead to changes in the production and prices of tea and coffee products.
Entering foreign markets may be associated with commercial and marketing problems. This includes researching and understanding target markets, competing with competitors, appropriate advertising and marketing, adapting to the habits and tastes of local customers, and determining the right price for your products. Each country may have specific rules and regulations regarding the import of food products. Examining and complying with these laws and standards can be a challenge for exporters. For example, health and sanitary requirements, labeling, import restrictions, and certifications required for products entering foreign countries.
Financial and payment issues can also be challenges in exporting tea and coffee to foreign countries. Receiving payment, delivery and settlement with foreign customers may cause problems. Currency issues, currency exchange and credit risk should also be considered. International transportation of products can also be a challenge in exporting tea and coffee to foreign countries. Choosing the right transportation, proper packaging, maintaining the quality of products during transportation, and creating a strong supply chain are things that should be paid attention to. Cultural and language differences can also be challenges in exporting to foreign countries. Knowing the culture and customs of the destination customers, translating the contents and packaging, creating communication and motivating the customers in the local language are things that must be observed.