This region has long beaches and fish such as cold fish, salmon and shrimp are cultivated industrially in the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea
The Middle east is one of the main sources of animal husbandry history. This area has been one of the oldest sources of Livestock breeding and Meat production in the world. People's experience and expertise in this field is considered a strong point for meat production in this region. The Middle East has a lot of biological and climatic diversity. From desert and dry areas in the south to mountainous and high areas in the north, there are diverse conditions for raising livestock and producing meat. The Middle East has a large population and meat consumption is high in this region. This high domestic consumption creates a strong domestic market for meat production.
West Asian countries have a wide diversity in meat production. Some of the famous meats produced in this region are:
- Beef production is very common in West asian countries, including Iran, Iraq, Turkey , and Saudi Arabia. Cows are bred to produce red meat, and beef consumption is very common in local and international cuisines.
- Goat farming is common in some West Asian countries, such as Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia. Goat meat is used as an important Food source in this region and is used in various dishes such as ghee, marqa and other local dishes.
- Chicken breeding is also very common in West Asian countries, and the consumption of chicken meat is common in various daily dishes. Chickens are used as an important protein source in the production of meat and eggs.
- Sheep meat is also produced in some West Asian countries, such as Iraq, Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and is used in local dishes.
- In countries such as Saudi arabia and Oman, the production of fish and marine products is also very popular. This region has long beaches and fish such as cold fish, salmon and shrimp are cultivated industrially in the waters of the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea.
Meat production and consumption in each country may vary depending on weather conditions, population reduction and other cultural and economic factors. In West Asian countries where the majority of the population is Muslim, pork production is usually prohibited for religious and cultural reasons. Therefore, pork production in these countries is very limited or rare. However, some West Asian countries with a larger non-Muslim population and whose official religion is not Islam may produce pork. for example:
- Armenia is a non-Muslim country and there is pork production there.
- Georgia is also a non-Muslim country, and in some of its regions, such as the Ajaria region, the production and consumption of pork is common.
- Israel is a country with a diverse population, where the consumption of pork is allowed for the non-Muslim population. As a result, there is also pork production in Israel .
The Middle East is facing the problem of lack of water resources. Meat production requires a lot of water resources, and the lack of water in this region can create limitations in meat production. In some countries of the Middle East, meat production depends on imports due to high demand. This dependence can create problems in situations such as sanctions or international price changes. In many countries of the Middle East, for religious and cultural reasons, the consumption of pork is prohibited. This restriction can create restrictions in pork production and market.