Being active on social media, advertising and television commercials, participating in local events and exhibitions, promoting products visually and using product customization for customers can help attract customers and create effective communication with them
The beverage market in West asian countries has differences from other parts of the world. In West Asian countries, consumption of beverages is part of local culture and people's daily life. This area is famous for the development of restaurant and cafe industry and people spend more time in public space. Therefore, the Drinks of this region should have variety and high quality, good taste and attractive packaging to attract more customers. West Asian countries have a hot and dry climate. As a result, it is very popular to consume cold drinks that contain ingredients such as ice, fresh fruit, and juice. Energy drinks and alcoholic beverages are also very important in some countries.
Some West Asian countries are affected by religious restrictions. Alcohol consumption may be restricted or prohibited. Therefore, offering non-alcoholic versions of beverages, such as soft drinks, is important to attract customers in these areas. People in West Asian countries prefer local and organic products. Therefore, using local ingredients and offering local versions of drinks can help in successful sales and marketing. A proper understanding of local culture and tastes is essential for effective beverage marketing. Studying and paying attention to local ingredients, flavors, and styles can help you design products that resonate with local customers.
It is important to consider local culture, weather conditions, religious restrictions, and tastes of local customers. Considering these differences and interacting with the local market, you can choose the right marketing and sales strategy for your exported drinks in West Asian countries. In order to market and sell more exported beverages in the Middle east and West Asian countries, it can be useful to observe the following points:
- Before entering the markets of the Middle East and West Asia, do a detailed study of the destination markets. It is important to understand the culture, tastes, and needs of local customers. Reviewing competitors, local laws and regulations, and distribution trends is also important.
- Try to adapt your products to the tastes and culture of local customers. Offering local versions of your drinks, variety in products and flavors, and offering alcohol-free versions for markets with religious restrictions can be helpful.
- Determine the appropriate marketing strategies for each market. This includes the use of local media, television, radio and internet advertising, point-of-sale advertising, and the use of social networks and digital platforms popular in the region.
- Strengthen your brand for customers in the Middle East and West Asian markets. Improving packaging, product design, and brand recognition in the market can be an important factor in attracting customers and growing sales.
- Make sure you have the ability to distribute your products in your target markets. Consider working with local distribution partners, building strong relationships with the distribution and service network necessary to supply products effectively.
- Determining the appropriate and competitive price for your products in the target markets is very important. Examining the price of competitors and determining the price that the market is acceptable can help you attract customers who will help you to do marketing work and sell more exported drinks in Middle East and West Asian countries.
Target markets in the Middle East countries for selling beverage products can include countries such as Saudi Arabia, Iran, United arab emirates , Iraq, Qatar, Kuwait, Oman and Bahrain . In Middle Eastern countries, consumption of soft drinks is very common. Due to religious restrictions in some of these countries, alcohol consumption is restricted. Therefore, non-alcoholic beverages such as juice, soda, natural juice and energy drinks are very popular in this region. Due to the hot and dry climate in many countries of the Middle East, there is a high demand for cold and cool drinks. Beverages such as cold drinks, energy drinks with ice and summer drinks such as frozen sweets (sorbet) are very popular.
People in Middle East countries are very interested in local and traditional products. Therefore, using local ingredients and offering local versions of drinks can help in effective sales and marketing. In addition, understanding and respecting local culture and tastes is also very important for success in these markets. Buyers in Middle East countries attach great importance to the price value of products. They tend to provide quality products at reasonable prices. Therefore, it is important to set a suitable and competitive price for beverage products in these markets.
Using the right marketing methods is vital to attract customers in the Middle East countries. Being active on social media, advertising and television commercials, participating in local events and exhibitions, promoting products visually and using product customization for customers can help attract customers and create effective communication with them. In the Middle East markets, it is important to focus on soft drinks, soft drinks, local products, value for money, and the right marketing strategy to sell beverage products. Understanding the culture and tastes of local customers, paying attention to their consumption habits and needs, and providing quality products at reasonable prices can help you develop successfully in these markets.