West Asian And The Middle East Commodity Market

Anbar Asia

Fisheries industry and aquaculture in Arab countries - The cultivation of crabs and shrimps is also booming in this area

Determining the standards of quality and health in the breeding and production of aquatic animals, regular monitoring and control of the fisheries industry and the implementation of laws and regulations in order to preserve the health of the products and protect the environment are also part of the modernization of the fisheries industry in Arab countries

In Arab countries, the modernization of the fishing industry has been considered as a strategic goal in the field of sustainable development and economic diversification

In Arab countries, the modernization of the fishing industry has been considered as a strategic goal in the field of sustainable development and economic diversification. The fisheries and aquaculture industry in the Middle east and West asia is developing and growing significantly. In this region, due to the presence of rich water resources, sea coasts and skilled labor, fishing activities and aquaculture are known as an important strategic and economic industry. Fish production is very important in this region, and all kinds of cold and warm water fish are grown along the sea coast and inland lakes. Some of the famous fish in this area include salmon, carp, tilapia and hormoz fish.

The cultivation of crabs and shrimps is also booming in this area. There are crab and shrimp breeding centers on the coasts of the Persian Gulf and the Sea of ​​Oman . Some species of farmed crabs and shrimps are white crab, Persian crab, white shrimp and tiger shrimp. Activities related to aquatic reproduction and ornamental aquatic breeding are also increasing in this region. Breeding of ornamental fish such as akara, guppy, neem fish and saltwater fish is done in ponds and aquaculture farms.

The Middle East and West Asia region is known as one of the most important sources of aquatic exports to world markets. Salmon, tilapia, crabs and shrimps are among the products that are exported to other countries. In the fisheries and aquaculture industry, the use of advanced technologies such as mechanized systems, optimal use of water resources, environmental control, balanced nutrition and improvement of aquatic genetics is of great importance. It is necessary to consider the use of these technologies in order to increase productivity and reduce costs in the process of breeding and production of aquatic animals.

Fisheries and aquaculture industry also faces some problems and challenges. Some of these challenges include water pollution, aquatic diseases and infections, market instability, optimal breeding management and controlling the use of water resources. Governments in the Middle East and West Asia are trying to promote this industry by creating policies and programs to develop and support the fisheries and aquaculture industry. Creating financial facilities, providing educational and technical facilities, encouraging investment and creating domestic and foreign markets are some of the government actions in this field.

The use of advanced technologies in the process of breeding and production of aquatic animals, such as mechanized systems, optimal use of water resources, balanced feeding technologies and environmental control, plays an important role in the modernization of the Fishery industry. These technologies are used to increase productivity, reduce costs and improve breeding conditions. Technical and professional training in the field of fisheries breeding and management, developing the skills of employees and farmers in this industry and improving the level of technical and scientific knowledge are part of the modernization measures of the fisheries industry in Arab countries. These measures are taken in order to increase the abilities and improve the performance of people in the field of aquaculture.

The diversity of aquaculture species in the fishery industry is also another part of modernization. Arab countries are trying to breed and produce new species of cold water and warm water fish in addition to traditional fish such as salmon and tilapia. These measures are used to increase product diversity and develop new markets.

Optimum and sustainable management of water resources in the fisheries industry is also one of the goals of modernization. Due to the limitation of water resources in the Arab region, the optimal use of water and water management techniques such as the use of continuous water systems, water recovery, and the use of salt water and water purification, in order to manage water resources and prevent water wastage, are considered. Takes. Determining the standards of quality and health in the breeding and production of aquatic animals, regular monitoring and control of the fisheries industry and the implementation of laws and regulations in order to preserve the health of the products and protect the environment are also part of the modernization of the fisheries industry in Arab countries.

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