Yemeni traders

Yemen is a country located in the southwest of the Arabian Peninsula. The capital of Yemen is Sana'a. The currency of this country is the Yemeni Rial and is known by the code YER. The official language of Yemen is Arabic and most of its people speak Arabic. Regarding religion, the majority of Yemeni people are Muslim and beliefs are divided between Shia and Sunni. Yemen is a country with an agricultural economy based on agriculture, processing industries, oil and natural gas, various industries and influential services. The products that Yemeni merchants import and export to other countries include food products such as coffee, honey, spices and fruits, textile and clothing products, wooden products and handicrafts, food products, chemicals and other products. Also, the export of oil and gas plays an important role in Yemen's economy. You can get more information about the ways to contact Yemeni businessmen through the Yemeni embassy or consulate in your country. Also, visiting sites related to Yemeni companies and commercial organizations, consulting with business and economic experts or using communication methods such as phone calls and emails can also help you get more information.
Yemenبن الاعجم1 months ago
ProfileQuartzite, Hematite, Ruby, Agate, Diamond, Meteorite
Yemenعلي عبد الكريم1 months ago
ProfileAgate, Diamond, Amber, Emerald, Charoite, Aluminum, Copper
YemenMawred, Yemen2 months ago
ProfileAgate, Diamond, Tanzanite
Yemenصالح هادي3 months ago
Yemenمنيف النجاشي3 months ago
Yemenنيازك7 months ago
Yemenابز يوسف7 months ago
ProfileGranite, Marble, Ruby, Agate
Yemenوسيم الجيشي.9 months ago
ProfileGranite, Ruby, Agate, Diamond
Yemenفؤاد صالح محمد الغزي9 months ago
ProfileSandstone, Coal, Ruby, Diamond, Emerald, Meteorite
Yemenبن داود21 months ago
Yemenحميد منصور احمد نجم الحوري21 months ago