Anbar Asia

Muscat Spinel Suppliers And Traders


Spinel Prices in Oman

Oman has two parts. A small part of Oman is located in the southern part of the Strait of Hormuz, which is called Musandam. Spinel is a relatively hard gemstone and has high resistance to environmental factors. Muscat is located on the Arabian Peninsula with long, hot summers like any other Middle Eastern country. Rubies and red spinels are very similar in terms of physical and chemical properties. Import of any goods to Oman is only possible by companies registered in Oman. The availability of spinel in the market directly affects its price

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Oman is one of the southern neighbors of Iran. The official language in Oman, like other countries in the Persian Gulf‎, is Arabic. Black spinel helps you release the past and clear your life of past negative emotions and associations so that you can more easily move forward into the future. Access to free waters from the Oman Sea providing a good position for export to Oman like other Persian Gulf‎ countries. The most important places with reserves of this ‎mineral in Myanmar, Tajikistan, Sri Lanka‎, South of Asia, Thailand

Sales Market Situation and Spinel Price
Sales Market Situation and Spinel Price

Similarly, by increasing the size, for example, 2 to 5 carats, 3 to 5 thousand dollars per carat will increase. Specimens with specific and rare colors and large sizes are also priced at up to ten thousand dollars per carat. What is obvious is the quality that determines the price of the spinel.

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