Anbar Asia

Beirut jam and honey Suppliers And Traders


jam and honey Prices in Lebanon

Lebanon is an Asian country on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea with a history of several thousand years of civilization. Honey produced in South West Asian countries has many properties. Precious stones, fertilizers, salt, iron ore, and cement are major mineral products of Lebanon. Honey plays an important role in the gross national product and income of Middle Eastern countries

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Lebanese has a stable economy but now with almost low growth. Countries in the Middle East and Southwest Asia, including Iran, Saudi Arabia, Turkey , and the United Arab Emirates , are significant producers of honey. Road, rail, sea, and airlines between Lebanon and the countries is ‎examined as a key infrastructure for the delivery of goods and commercial cargo. Jam is also a popular product in the Middle East , but its consumption is less than honey

Geography and Political Structure of Lebanon
Geography and Political Structure of Lebanon

Lebanon is an Asian country on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea with a history of several thousand years of civilization. The region was one part of the Levant and became an independent state after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. The majority of the population is Muslim. Several tribes are living in Lebanon. About 30% of the country's population is Shiite.

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