Anbar Asia

Kabul Plaster Suppliers And Traders


Plaster Prices in Afghanistan

Commercial obligations in Afghanistan, Law on Cooperatives, ‎Enterprises and Banks. plaster is an abundant mineral that has been formed as a sedimentary layer for millions of years due to the evaporation of saline lakes and shallow seas. Total value of Afghanistan's mines is equivalent to 1.5 trillion dollars. Surprisingly, with all these extensive resources of raw plaster it`s use in some highly saline and alkaline pistachio garden and pistachio-prone areas is very low and even very insignificant. Import and Export of Afghanistan and goods that are main items for export. Plaster is used as a rich source of calcium for the body And There are different types of dental plaster depending on the type of application

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Afghanistan has natural gas, oil, coal, marble, gold, copper, chromite, talc, barite, sulfur, lead, zinc, iron ore, salt, precious and semi-precious stones. Evidence shows that some of gypsum works antiquity left on the Anatolian Plateau and Syria, date back to 9000 years ago. Afghanistan is an agricultural country with a high livestock capacity. Plaster is used in the building in two forms: clay plaster and whitewashing plaster

The method of recognizing real Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan
The method of recognizing real Lapis Lazuli from Afghanistan

The original locality for lapis lazuli is the Sar-e-Sang deposit in Afghanistan's remote Badakhshan district. In the Achaemenid period, azure was called "Kabutkeh". In the Sassanid period, azure was consumed a lot. The roof of Ctesiphon, as well as various sculptures, is made of azure; it is possible that they used azurite instead of azure in making these works. 

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