South Sudan's Gemstones market - Contact information of Gemstones suppliers in South Sudan

  1. Anbar Asia
  2. Trade with South Sudan
  3. South Sudan's Gemstones market
West Asia is geologically diverse, with a wide range of rock formations, mineral deposits, and tectonic activities. The Middle East, particularly Iran, is known for producing some of the world's finest turquoise gemstones. Look for well-known and reputable gemstone retailers, either online or physical stores, that specialize in selling gemstones. The color of a ruby is one of the most important factors in determining its quality and suitability for jewelry. Color is one of the most important factors in determining the value of emeralds.
South Sudan's Gemstones market
South Sudan, the world's youngest country, gained independence in 2011 and has since been working to establish its economy and trade systems. The country's financial and trading infrastructure is underdeveloped due to years of conflict, instability, and a reliance on oil as its primary economic driver. Oil accounts for nearly all of South Sudan's government revenue and export earnings, but fluctuations in oil prices and internal unrest have significantly impacted the economy. The financial sector is small, and banking services are limited, with most transactions done in cash due to a lack of proper banking infrastructure.

Gemstones dealers in South Sudan