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As it comes from different books


Having said that, in order to know what pearls are and why they are so valuable, how they are created, what types they are, and whether there is a way to distinguish genuine pearls from imitations, we invite you to the end of this article with the worship gallery

Pearl stone is a gem from ancient times and about 6 thousand years ago, which was used as an ornament by kings and nobles

A natural Pearl is a Gemstone formed inside the soft tissue of a living mollusk, such as an oyster or a mussel. It is produced when an irritant, such as a grain of Sand or a parasite, enters the mollusk's shell and becomes trapped within the mantle tissue. In response to this irritant, the mollusk secretes layers of nacre, a mixture of calcium carbonate and organic substances, around the foreign object. Over time, these layers build up, forming a pearl. The formation of a natural pearl is a rare occurrence and takes several years to develop. The resulting pearl has a unique shape, luster, and color, influenced by various factors such as the species of mollusk, the environment it lives in, and the specific conditions of the pearl formation.

Pearl Stone is a gem from ancient times and about 6 thousand years ago, which was used as an ornament by kings and nobles. Since 2500 years ago, there was trade in a vast country like China. Having said that, in order to know what pearls are and why they are so valuable, how they are created, what types they are, and whether there is a way to distinguish genuine pearls from imitations, we invite you to the end of this article with the worship gallery. Pearls have been known since ancient times, but their origin was unknown for a long time. As it comes from different books. For a long time, it was considered to be a suitable tear and the teardrops of Venus, and some people considered it to be a material particle of dawn due to its special glow.

A pearl is a white or yellow but shiny stone that occurs in the body of some bivalve molluscs such as pearl oysters. The shape of the pearl is almost always round and spherical. But it may be found in nature in other forms such as pears or irregular shapes. Other pearl colors include burgundy, khaki, blackish gray, blue and yellow. The usual and common pearl size is often between 7 and 9.5 mm, which is considered the most popular size of this gemstone. The larger and rounder the pearl, the higher its quality, durability, value and price. Of course, its brilliance does not affect its value. Pearls that have a smooth, clean and uniform surface have a higher value and price.

In salt water, pearls are found in oysters, while in fresh water they are produced by oysters. When a foreign substance, such as a Food particle, slips into a mollusk, the creature protects itself by covering the irritant with layers of crustaceans. Cord is also a material that gives shine to jewelry. Due to their rarity and the natural process of their formation, natural pearls are highly valued in the Jewelry industry. However, the majority of pearls available today are cultivated or cultured pearls, which are created through a process where humans introduce an irritant into the mollusk to initiate pearl formation. These cultured pearls closely resemble natural pearls in appearance but are less expensive and more readily available.

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