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This stone helps the person to gain more knowledge from within and eliminat


The properties of Lapis lazuli also enhance intuitive awareness, increase meditation depth, activate the third eye and enhance a person's ability to dream and understand intuitive guidance

In chakra therapy and various spiritual traditions, Lapis lazuli is associated with the activation and balancing of the throat chakra, also known as the Vishuddha chakra

In chakra therapy and various spiritual traditions, Lapis lazuli is associated with the activation and balancing of the throat chakra, also known as the Vishuddha chakra. The throat chakra is believed to govern communication, self-expression, and the ability to speak one's truth. Lapis lazuli is considered a powerful Stone for stimulating and harmonizing this energy center. Lapis lazuli is believed to enhance communication skills, both in verbal and written forms. It is thought to promote clarity, eloquence, and effective self-expression. The stone is said to help overcome shyness, fear of public speaking, and any blockages in expressing one's thoughts and emotions.

When working with Lapis lazuli for chakra therapy or spiritual practices, it is common to place the stone on or near the throat chakra during meditation or energy healing sessions. This is believed to help clear any blockages and balance the energy of the throat chakra, promoting effective communication and self-expression. Azure is often used as a meditation tool to deepen one's spiritual practice. The stone is believed to help calm the mind, quiet internal chatter, and facilitate a state of deep meditation. It is thought to assist in accessing inner wisdom, higher knowledge, and spiritual guidance during meditation sessions.

Lapis lazuli is believed to harmonize and balance masculine and feminine energies within an individual. It is associated with integrating the qualities of assertiveness, strength, and action (masculine energy), with intuition, compassion, and receptivity (feminine energy). This balance is thought to support overall well-being and spiritual growth.

This stone helps the person to gain more knowledge from within and eliminate emotional damage. The properties of Lapis lazuli also enhance intuitive awareness, increase meditation depth, activate the third eye and enhance a person's ability to dream and understand intuitive guidance. Lapis Lazuli was used to bury and adorn the pharaohs in ancient Egypt, and as a stone belonging to the monarchy and spirituality, it has excelled over others. This stone belongs to the truth and is an inspiring awareness and brings new information to a person's mind in the form of images instead of words.

Azure is associated with truthfulness, honesty, and integrity. It is believed to encourage the pursuit of authenticity and the alignment of one's actions and words with their true self. The stone is said to support individuals in speaking their truth with confidence and integrity. Lapis lazuli is considered a stone of spiritual awakening and higher consciousness. It is believed to stimulate intuition, psychic abilities, and the exploration of spiritual realms. The stone is thought to enhance one's connection to divine wisdom, facilitating spiritual growth and self-discovery.

Lapis lazuli is associated with promoting inner peace, serenity, and emotional healing. It is believed to calm the mind, reduce stress, and alleviate anxiety. The stone is said to facilitate deep relaxation and assist in accessing a state of inner stillness and tranquility. Lapis lazuli is sometimes associated with the third eye chakra (Ajna), which is related to intuition, insight, and spiritual vision. The stone's deep blue color and connection to the higher mind are believed to support the activation and opening of the third eye, enhancing one's intuitive abilities and inner guidance.

Lapis lazuli is associated with promoting self-awareness and self-expression. It is believed to help individuals understand their true desires, strengths, and weaknesses. By working with Lapis lazuli, one may gain greater clarity about their authentic self and find the courage to express themselves honestly and openly. Azure is considered a stone of emotional healing and balance. It is believed to assist in releasing repressed emotions and unresolved emotional patterns. The stone is thought to bring harmony to the emotional body, promoting a sense of inner peace, emotional stability, and serenity.

Azure is sometimes associated with providing spiritual protection. It is believed to shield the aura from negative energies, psychic attacks, and energetic pollutants. The stone is thought to create a protective barrier around the individual, allowing them to feel safe and supported on their spiritual journey. Lapis lazuli is often associated with connecting to higher realms and spiritual beings. It is believed to facilitate communication with spirit guides, angels, and ascended masters. The stone's energy is thought to help individuals receive divine messages, insights, and guidance from the spiritual realm.

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