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Another example called Chilean ‎is green dots as well as white calcite


‎Today, Lapis Lazuli type afghan or Persian has a bluish-purple color and is classified as one of ‎the best types of azure with a small amount of pyrite

Lapis Lazuli type afghan or Persian has a bluish-purple color and the best types

The color of Lapis lazuli is one of its most important characteristics. The most desirable Lapis lazuli Stones exhibit a rich, deep blue hue. The color should be intense, vivid, and even throughout the stone. Be wary of stones that appear too light or pale, as they may indicate lower quality or potential treatments. Lapis lazuli often contains inclusions of other minerals, such as pyrite and calcite, which can create unique patterns and variations within the stone. These inclusions, when distributed evenly and harmoniously, can enhance the beauty and uniqueness of the stone. However, excessive or distracting inclusions can affect the overall clarity and value of the stone.

Lapis lazuli stones can come in various sizes and shapes, depending on their purpose and how they will be used. Larger stones are often favored for statement Jewelry pieces or decorative objects, while smaller stones may be used for intricate designs or inlays. The shape of the Stone can also vary, ranging from rounded cabochons to faceted gemstones, beads, or irregular shapes. A well-polished Lapis lazuli stone will have a smooth, glossy surface that enhances its color and visual appeal. The quality of the polish can greatly affect the stone's overall appearance. Opt for stones with a high-quality, mirror-like finish that reflects light evenly.

The origin of Lapis lazuli can also impact its quality and value. Historically, Afghan Lapis lazuli has been highly regarded for its intense blue color and high pyrite content. However, Lapis lazuli from other regions, such as Chile and Russia, can also exhibit excellent quality and unique characteristics. In general, the deeper the blue lapis lazuli stone, the higher the value of one Azure and without ‎cracks and golden streaks of pyrite. Where you can see the Gold dots and the smoother and ‎more colorful and less white spots on it, this Azure is the better.‎ It should be noted that old books always prefer Badakhshan azure stone to different types ‎of azure stones.‎

Pyrite is a common inclusion in Lapis lazuli and appears as golden flecks or streaks within the blue matrix. A higher concentration of pyrite can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the stone, adding sparkle and contrast. However, the pyrite content should be balanced and not overpower the blue color. Lapis lazuli should have a smooth and polished texture. It should feel solid and substantial in hand, indicating a good density. Avoid stones that have rough surfaces, cracks, or fractures, as these can affect the durability and overall appearance. Today, Lapis Lazuli type afghan or Persian has a bluish-purple color and is classified as one of ‎the best types of azure with a small amount of pyrite. Russian type or Siberian They have ‎different blue colors and some amounts of pyrite and calcite. Another example called Chilean ‎is green dots as well as white calcite as a tree.‎

It is important to ensure the authenticity of Lapis lazuli, as synthetic or imitative materials may be sold as genuine. Natural Lapis lazuli is not typically treated or enhanced, but it is worth noting that some lower-quality stones may undergo treatments to enhance their color or appearance. Common treatments include dyeing or impregnating the stone with resin. If purity and naturalness are important to you, seek out reputable sources and sellers who can provide information about the stone's authenticity and any treatments it may have undergone.

While Lapis lazuli is not considered a rare gemstone, high-quality stones with exceptional color, clarity, and other desirable characteristics can be relatively scarce. Collectors may seek out unique specimens that exhibit exceptional qualities or historical significance, which can increase their value. Ultimately, the "best" type of Lapis lazuli stone is subjective and depends on individual preferences. Some may prefer stones with a higher concentration of pyrite for added sparkle, while others may prioritize a deep, intense blue color. Consider your own aesthetic preferences, the intended use of the stone, and any specific qualities that resonate with you personally.

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