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How to distinguish the original Lapis lazuli (Azure) from the fake Lapis lazuli


Under ‎Chelsea Filter (Chelsea filter), Natural lapis lazuli reflects a faint reddish-brown light, while a ‎synthetic lapis lacquer reflects bright red light

Distinguishing between genuine Lapis lazuli and synthetic or fake Lapis lazuli can be challenging, but there are several methods you can use to help determine their authenticity

Distinguishing between genuine Lapis lazuli and synthetic or fake Lapis lazuli can be challenging, but there are several methods you can use to help determine their authenticity. Remember that some treatments, such as dyeing or enhancing the color of Lapis lazuli, can also affect its appearance. Therefore, it is essential to rely on a combination of factors and seek expert advice for a definitive identification of Lapis lazuli's authenticity. If you are uncertain about the authenticity of a Lapis lazuli stone, it is advisable to seek the opinion of a qualified gemologist or consult a reputable Gemstone laboratory for certification. They can perform tests and provide a professional analysis to determine if the Stone is genuine or synthetic.

Natural Lapis lazuli is a relatively rare gemstone and is generally more expensive compared to synthetic alternatives. If you come across Lapis lazuli that is significantly cheaper than market prices or appears to be readily available in large quantities, it may be an indication that it is synthetic. Natural Lapis lazuli typically displays a deep blue color with varying shades of blue, often with golden or white calcite streaks and specks of pyrite. The color should be rich and vibrant. Synthetic Lapis lazuli may have a more uniform and artificial-looking color. Be wary of Stones that have an unnaturally intense or perfect blue color. 

Artificial and plastic stones heat ‎up with a little touch. Wet a cotton ball with acetone and hit the Rock surface. This material ‎dissolves the artificial color in itself. Check the color difference in the cracks of its surface ‎with the magnifying loop. As a destructive test for Azure reconstructed with plastic material, ‎the hot tip of the Metal rod gives off an unpleasant plastic odor. These specimens also sink by ‎pressing under the tooth. Be careful when buying azure that has a uniform color without streaks ‎or spots and is very colorful and looks like artificial colors. With the Chelsea Filter ‎Gemological Tool, you can distinguish original azure from synthetic and laboratory. Under ‎Chelsea Filter (Chelsea filter), Natural lapis lazuli reflects a faint reddish-brown light, while a ‎synthetic lapis lacquer reflects bright red light.‎

When there is too much white in the rock, it is classified in the cheap calcite class. When the ‎color of the stone you want is dark blue-gray, it is probably not lapis lazuli and it is sodalite. ‎They usually Paint low-quality sodalities and sell them as azure! Many imitation lapis lazuli is ‎found in Taiwan. Artificial azure specimens made of golden mottled Glass are not visible but ‎are less common in Gilson synthetic specimens. Physically, natural azure rough has a light blue ‎sand color on the glazed porcelain surface. If it's not too pleasant smell half of sulfur smell.‎ ‎ Obtained a guarantee from the seller that in case of a negative answer, the gemology ‎laboratory will take it back.‎

Natural Lapis lazuli often contains natural inclusions, such as pyrite and calcite, which can create unique patterns and variations within the stone. Look for irregular patterns and variations in color and texture, as these are often indicative of natural Lapis lazuli. Synthetic stones may have a more consistent appearance without these natural variations. Natural Lapis lazuli is a relatively dense stone. If you have access to a gemological scale, you can measure the weight of the stone and compare it to the expected weight of Lapis lazuli. Synthetic stones may have a lighter weight or feel less substantial in comparison.

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